The FWD JOY 2023 Gift Guide


The first time I came to London was in November 2015 to cover the launch of the Pirelli Calendar (one of my all-time favorite assignments). It was a very glitzy event, and depending on who got cast in the high-profile calendar, there was always a promise of major celeb sightings. Pirelli would fly us business class (which rarely happened for me back then), and in London, they put us up at the landmark Grovesnor House in Mayfair with views of the Winter Wonderland Fair taking over Hyde Park. London's Christmas season was in full swing, and I was instantly charmed by all the twinkling lights strewn across Bond Street and Regents Street, the decorated windows at Selfridges, Fortnum & Mason, and the Ritz Hotel with their massive wreaths hung between each archway of the promenade on Piccadily. I know it isn't a competition but I think London does Christmas better than New York. It makes me genuinely love the holidays in a way that I usually don't.

Since that first visit, it's been a dream of mine to return to London for the holidays. Luckily, I got to come back in December of 2021 for a work trip, but Omicron was raging and made my 5-day stay (with one day of quarantine) the week before Christmas feel rather hazardous. So, finally, I'm back this year and I can fully enjoy the holiday season—but now my biggest wish is that I could experience it with my parents too. Taking them to Winter Wonderland, visiting the Christmas markets, and having afternoon tea at the iconic Claridges Hotel. Fingers crossed for next year!
To ring in the season, I'm bringing you my holiday gift guide today! There are gifts that are spiritual, some practical, but all things that I really love and would gift to others or I've added to my own wishlist. One perfect gift (for me) that you won't find in these guides, though, is that you continue to share my newsletter. I'm not on a newsletter network like Substack (—yet), and I see the biggest boost in subscribers when you share this newsletter on social media, but I love it when you forward it to friends and colleagues as well! Sending love to you all. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, and I hope you all have a memorable holiday season wherever you're celebrating.

Naturally, I think an astrology reading makes a perfect gift for any occasion really! It provides deep insight into a person's personality, motivations, desires and karmic path—making it the most personalized gift out there. My astrologer suggestions:

 Rebecca Gordon, Danielle Beinstein, Alice Bell, Jason Fleming, and Evan Nathaniel Grim


For someone who's looking to take their astrology interest to the next level, Parker's Astrology book is a fantastic resource. And for any new additions to the family, or a friend who is expecting, my friend and former BAZAAR colleague, Kerry Pieri wrote the cutest baby astrology book that has become my go-to gift for any expecting friends. 


Over the last year, I've asked many beauty professionals for the best tips to maintain your skin when you're not ready for injectibles. Red light therapy is always the first thing they say.  Luckily, there are a lot of great options on the market. For beginners: It's all about the Solawave (discount code: CHRISSYFORD), and don't underestimate its power just because it's little. It really works! I love to travel with it and I see a big difference in my acne. For those who are willing to invest a little more money: Higherdose (discount code: CHRISSY15) makes a mask that I keep by my bed for nightly use. For the bigger spenders: the Lyma laser, the most powerful at-home laser, is the only way to go. 


For those who like to entertain, or are tea enthusiasts, like myself, Mariage Freres tea is the creme de la creme of tea. Bonus points if you throw in a cute tea strainer.


This Lumio lamp is one of the coolest gifts I received from a brand partner this year. I will definitely be taking full credit for finding it when I gift it to others. It looks chic on a desk, it can also be mounted to a wall, but I typically keep mine in my bedroom as a reading light. When I'm not using it, it blends in nicely with all the books I keep stacked on my bedroom floor.


I know when items have go viral on social media it's hard to know whether they're really good or it's just good marketing. In my opinion, there is no better practical winter gift than an Aritzia Super Puff. On super cold days, I know it's going to do what it's supposed to—and that's why I own it in several colors. It comes in different lengths, every color imaginable, and I love that the hood is detachable. I'm getting my whole family involved this year.


This showerhead changed my shower game in 2019, and I never looked back. Yes, it filters all the bad stuff out of the water and creates a consistent water pressure no matter what your actual water pressure is like, but best of all, it comes with an aromatherapy cartridge (I'm partial to the Vitamin C or Lavendar) that will make your bathroom smell like a spa. I've also had these cute Baina towels on my Pinterest board for years for my future home. 


Maybe I've been in the UK for too long, but I'm starting to really understand the appeal (and necessity) of a stylish hot water bottle. It should come as no surprise that Burberry has the best looking ones. But if you're not looking to break the bank, this sheepskin version also does the trick. This teddy bear hot water bottle speaks to my inner child. Everyone in my family will be getting one for Christmas so we don't have to fight with my mom about the heat in the house.


For the types that like to wear their heart and their manifestations on their sleeve—Visions of Self made a bracelet (or necklaces if you fancy) that incorporates a locket to tuck inside your list of affirmations, intentions, or manifestations so you never lose sight of them. 


On the top of my Christmas list is Assouline's new Jamaica Vibes book that joins their extensive collection of coffee table travel books—which I still think makes a fantastic gift for your friend who always seems to be catching flights (not feelings, of course). I also think these Selfridges ornament with everyone's favorite summer destinations like Saint Tropez and Amalfi are amazing. There was an Ibiza ornament but I didn't act fast enough and it sold out.


Getting great stationery is a sure fire way to feel like an adult—even when you're just a 30-something-year-old teen girl. I highly recommend customizing your own Matilda Goad for Papier scalloped stationery for writing all your holiday thank you's and future spontaneous cards to your friends and family just to say you're thinking about them. 


This oracle deck by Kendra Austin will help your sister or friend who is starting to dabble into the spiritual side of life tap into their own intuition and find guidance. This deck is beautifully illustrated and inclusive, and with an accompanying 120-page guidebook, it's easy to use even for a novice.


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