Unpacking the Hidden Meaning Behind Dreams with Alexia Landa


Okay so I’ve always been a little obsessed with my dreams. They’re just so weird— sometimes dark, twisted, or completely nonsensical. But at the same time, I’m a little skeptical about whether they really hold key insights into my waking life.

While in Copenhagen, I woke up from one of those dreams where I just couldn’t shake the feelings or stop thinking about it the entire day. In the dream, I lost my journal with all the intimate details and notes about my life in the ocean. There was a feeling of a deep sense of loss—like somehow I had lost a part of myself. How would I remember all the things I’ve been through and where I came from if I didn’t have this detailed record of my life? I’ve been journaling since I was a kid and as I get older I think it’s becoming increasingly important for me to keep a record of my past. This dream felt like maybe it was speaking to some subconscious fear I have regarding my own emotions—so I wanted to dig deeper into the meaning.

Luckily, intuitive channeler Alexia Landa was willing to chat with me last minute to dissect the dream (and a few others!) and why it’s important to trust our intuition. Plus, she shares a few tips for unlocking the messages in your own dreams.

Normally, I don't wait until the very last minute to work on my newsletters, actually… maybe that's a little bit of a lie. I am a bit last minute, but that's usually because I want this newsletter to always feel timely. I was having crazy dreams the week of the full moon in Aquarius. And by Friday, I decided this would be my theme. I need to dig deeper into this. So, thankfully, Alexia answered my IG stories call for a dream interpreter and she's joining me to talk about dreams and what she does as a channeler.

Alexia: So grateful for you. Thank you for opening up this space for me as well. I think it takes teamwork, honestly, to connect energies and to be able to be like, "Hey, we can do this," even if it's last minute. When it comes to my method and my practice as a channeler, I always tell people my program is going to be the most unexpected thing. I like to be spontaneous because life is unexpected. So you can have a plan for the next six months, but it doesn't mean it's going to happen. I think you're doing it perfectly. Honestly, I think you're just following your intuition.

So, I need to know more about you and why you do what you do.

Alexia: Well, thank you for wanting to know. I started very young when I was 5. It was more of a family interaction where they noticed what was going on. As a channeler, I literally go into transit. I close my eyes, I ask a question and the guides speak through me. This has also awakened many other things as an intuitive dream interpreter. I haven't had a teacher, I really just focused on my guides, who are those higher vibrational beings that I see and that I hear, who have guided me along the way. So when I was about 21, I actually started practicing it with others—and I opened up to this field. I always felt called to help others and to give people advice.

Two years ago, I started building my method where I work with people for at least the course of six months to vibrate so high that they're able to connect to those higher desires or dreams or even the highest version of themselves. It's all through my channeling and connection with their guides. I always say I'm a team with your guide when I do a reading for you. I focus a lot on evolution. I love the idea of evolution freewill. We decide what we want. There's always many possibilities of what tomorrow can be. With the wisdom we carry and when we start awakening this wisdom, we start connecting to that tomorrow that makes us feel the happiest. At the end of the day we have a purpose and the purpose is going to happen, but it all depends on the story that we make.

I love that you touch upon freewill because I think that is something that often gets lost for the people who don't really understand the spiritual community or world. When I tell people that I love tarot readings, psychics, all of that—a lot of times people are like, "Oh, well, I feel like that would influence how I would make decisions." And I think that can be true, but at the end of the day, we are human and we're still going to do what we want to do. Even though I love mysticism, there is a very rational part of me that can still be skeptical at times. Recently I got a tarot reading from a friend and I literally went against what she told me not to do and I had to learn a tough lesson as a result. Even when you get advice from a friend, who's like "You really shouldn't be dating this person," you're going to do what you want to do ultimately.

Alexia: Exactly. And I think that's what's missing a little bit sometimes in our experience is not wanting anyone else to tell us what to do, but instead having options so that you can connect to those many possibilities.

I'm curious though, as an intuitive, you have to really trust yourself. Right? And I think that is probably one of the hardest things for me. I think that there are times where I really do, especially when it comes to business. Then there are times that I don't trust myself—like in my romantic relationships. I also am an anxious person, so it's always that question of, "Is it intuition or is it anxiety?" And I spin myself in circles. So, can you talk to me a little bit about your journey with trusting yourself?

Alexia: Of course. I think that the easiest way to connect to intuition and trusting yourself has a lot to do with understanding we're still human and being human means that you're still going to connect to lessons and experiences that help you grow to gain that wisdom. When I'm being intuitive, when I notice something it's because it's very subtle, there's literally no question. It just is what it is. In readings I’ve had people tell me, "No, I don't remember." And I'm like, "okay, just keep it to yourself. And have a day or two with it." Three days later they're like, "Oh my god, I saw a picture and I was nine years old and this was happening."

I don't let external things question me— not in an egoistic way. I think joy and happiness bring in the most security. Also, I believe our internal language or inner dialogue actually helps us understand that because usually when it's actual fear, it's that inner dialogue that makes this fear feel very uncomfortable. That's not intuition. That's just a repetitive thought that you might be giving yourself. That's a huge difference. I think I was able to build that self trust the moment I stopped questioning myself. That's why I started this work at 21, because I was like, "Everything I've seen, everything I've heard, it's been right. So, why am I questioning myself?" It's that willpower that you gain.

Yeah, I'm someone who struggles with intrusive thoughts. But because I know myself to be intuitive, I sometimes think the intrusive thoughts are my intuition. Intrusive thoughts get stuck on a loop in your head. But when I think back to the times where I have an intuitive thought, it's something that comes in so quietly.

Alexia: You can even miss it. Sometimes you're like, "Oh, I thought about that, but I didn't pay attention to it." But then it might make you overidentify with certain things just to feel safe. And that over-identification makes us feel even stagnant sometimes.

It's like when you want to try something different but you have this ideology or belief of, "this is me." In reality, you're ready for that next evolution, that next person. Maybe you used to like vanilla ice cream, but now you like chocolate. Our taste buds even change every seven years. So honestly, intrusive thoughts are so common. And also easy to understand when you start changing that inner dialogue. Tell yourself, "Wait, no, I can change. Wait, no, that's me three years ago." You start letting go of the past— which I want to get into the dreams because I saw that in one of them. Almost all of them are just connections to the past, like the defense mechanism you've built. You're a very strong woman. And you're very into the idea of “that won't happen to me again.” So you built this cheat sheet. Your dreams are keeping you safe.

We have seven bodies total. We have the physical body and six energetic bodies (emotional, mind, astral, spirt, cosmic, and nirvana). The most important one when it comes to dreams is the Astral body, along with the emotional and mind body. All these are energies. When you add up the seven, some people say it's the aura. It's that color that we have around us. When we combine these three, you're talking about emotions, thoughts, and your Astral body reflects it. And it does what it needs to do when you sleep. So if it has its cheat sheet and it wants to feel protected as it's going to sleep, you're literally going to reflect that in different forms.

So, to set things up. I've talk often about my dreams on social media because I am someone who has very, very active dreams. I can usually remember around 10 dreams a month. I write them all down. I feel like there is a lot of symbolism happening, but I'm not really someone who has prophetic dreams. The biggest theme that I've always noticed is that my dreams always take place in a house or a room, I'm always inside somewhere. Does that have a meaning?

Alexia: Oh, definitely. Usually, when it comes to dreams, there's many connections to things. Symbolism and talking about houses, our emotional mind, body, and Astral body create these safe rooms where we can go over a dialogue, something that happened, something that we're not comfortable with. You can go into past lives, you can go into fears, and even your Astral body wanting to learn how to get rid of the fear, with rooms.

You're out there, and your Astral body wants to really take care of things and see what's going on, but it's going to be safe. So, it's about those rooms that you have within you that you subconsciously, I don't want to say you’re putting to the side or avoiding, but maybe haven't healed or haven't really given a “why” in understanding.

There are people who have actually healed and they still go over the scenario, but it's because they want to understand it. They want someone to say sorry, they want someone to change. So it's a little bit of a controlled way of being— it doesn't mean it's bad. I think we all have the desire for control. It’s human.

Needing control is actually a big thing for me, especially when it comes to my anxiety, and most of my biggest fears are rooted in being out of control.

Alexia: So it's self-protecting. And I do want to emphasize that the subconscious is nothing bad. It's just a space we haven't really connected to. Usually, when people speak about shadow work and shadows and all these things, all it is is a room you have to go in and turn on the light. And that's what we're here for. As humans, we are having a very spiritual experience being humans. Just being human is spiritual.

So I always say it's like having a jug of water, and you drink a little bit of water and your subconscious goes down and your consciousness goes up. You're drinking water and so your consciousness is going up, up, up. Whenever you think about this subconscious and dreaming, be like, "Oh, what is this about? Is this a lesson? Is this a past life I have to heal?" So you can start interpreting your dreams more about the experience in the now than, "Oh, I'm carrying trauma." You focus more here and now and say, "How did it make me feel?" I think that emotional body we tend to put to the side instead of saying, "Oh, what were my emotions in that dream?" You write them down. And that usually gives you the perfect answer.

Dream #1: Okay so Tuesday night, I dreamt I was on a boat. I remember putting my phone and journal in the water, and then I was getting into the water with them. But as I jumped into the water, they started to sink. I caught my phone, and then I tried to get the journal, but the journal just kept falling. And I started getting too scared that I wasn't going to be able to go down and get it and come back up in time. And so I got back on the boat, and it just started sailing away. I went to a guy that was on the boat and was like, "We have to stop because I left my journal." And he was basically like, "I don't care." And then I remember feeling like, "Okay, I need to ask someone for the coordinates of where we stopped the boat, so I can go back at another time to find my journal."

Alexia: I love how specific it is. To dream so specifically is because you're that connected to yourself. That's being intuitive. You're completely connected to yourself. You see yourself so you can see others.

So that dream, just hearing you put your journal and your phone in water, water is emotions. It's all about emotions. So, when I was picking up on your energy, to me, it's like that whole past, you’ve worked on healing, you've done a lot of work. But then that self-identity doesn't really change it. So, the journal makes you feel safe as, "I have done enough. I have worked on this. Here are all the answers." It's a way for you to say, "I have it." So it's sinking in water. You are not able to see, it's lack of control and that symbolism for you personally of what healing has been, which it has been through writing, through your journal, through that vulnerable state.

The first thing I thought about was literally you telling yourself you have to get rid of the journal because it has a lot of energy of the past. We have to learn how to let go and release. And the coordinates are like, “Yes, but if I lose it, how am I going to remember everything that I wrote down? And that I healed.” And it's like, "That's the point, honey." Whenever you heal, you're not supposed to go back and be like, "Oh, but how was I feeling?" Because you relive it. You're reliving everything you read.

When I saw the image of the journal sinking, and I felt your heart, feeling like it was going with it. And I was like, "No, honey, your heart is yours." The wisdom is inside. Everything you wrote there, it's already wisdom. It's not pain. The notebook, the energy absorbed it. But it's always with you. You're connected to it. You have this attachment.

I know. I remember in the dream it felt like I was losing a part of me.

Alexia: Yeah, and you're not losing a part of you. The way I see it is, as a soul, you have one life and that life is eternal. You just switch bodies, right? In the most beautiful way. And that one soul has all those answers you wrote there, it has all the memory, but it doesn't have the specifics because it doesn't need them. It only keeps what you need the most.

So, I love that you started with self-trust in this conversation because this is literally about self-trust for you. This is about saying, “I do have that wisdom inside," and to be able to build that. I think that you have to remind yourself a little more about what you were maybe two years ago. I keep seeing two years ago. And think about what happened in July and how different this July was. So you can be like, "Oh, my reactions are different. Even the way I think has been different."

Absolutely. I mean my whole life changed two years ago.

Alexia: Okay, yeah. So it's like I see someone who wants to hold onto mom when they're leaving them on the first day of kindergarten. And it's like, "I taught you how to go potty, I taught you how to hold the spoon, fork." And I see someone very chill telling you, "It's okay." But you're like, "No, it's not okay."

Detachment is what you need, honey. Literally, that was the dream.

Yeah, and I can definitely recognize how I overidentify with my emotions. And I think I had this dream just after having an incident where I felt like I self-sabotaged and projected my fears onto someone. (*more on that in another newsletter)

Alexia: But you have to not judge yourself every time you have a lesson, and that's the change. It's the change to “I trust myself now, so what's the purpose?” That's why I always ask people what's the purpose? If you focus on the purpose, if you focus on the growth moment, you won't go back to the journal because you know, you're way more than the journal already. You'd be like, "Oh, I just have to take this new part with me." I think this is more about being okay with going back when you made a mistake, not being too proud about it being like, "yeah, I can go back. And yes, that person knows that about me, but they don't judge me. Maybe I judged myself, but they don’t judge me the way I have."

It doesn't mean that you don't have to forgive yourself. You do. You have to go through the process of forgiveness. You have to go through the process of, "That's right. I was wrong. Okay. Who do I say sorry to?" Like that whole acceptance, but it can be quicker than we could imagine. I think sometimes we also wait for the other person to process it but we all have different timelines.

Dream #2: My family was being held hostage inside of a house. My parents were being too slow to make a decision about what to do. I was like, "How are we going to escape?" And my dad literally was like, "We're fine." Then I started planning to escape with a friend of mine who also happened to be there and she was pregnant. She wasn’t pregnant in real life.

Alexia: So, that one about the friend being pregnant, usually pregnancy, it’s a huge sign of rebirth. Literally, I always say we energetically get pregnant for the new us. It's like our womb, our pelvic area carries this energy to be able to be reborn. And when it comes to dreams, that's a huge one. That's either your friend was going through something and you sensed it.

Yeah, I think she was actually getting out of her long-term relationship.

Alexia: Yeah, so huge shift. She was just jumping into the scenario and the rest, I do think it's just a reflection of your anxiety with family. When it comes to that, we usually have to change our perspective and be like, "Who's our family here and now?"

Back then they were that, but here and now how do I let mom be mom, dad be dad? Readjusting so that you won't keep seeing them from when you were like 13. I don't know why that age comes up..

Yeah. There's just always been a lot of responsibility put on me, and I have to be the peacemaker. I was also living at home with my parents during the pandemic, so that's when I had that dream.

Alexia: I think a lot of people who had to go back home or decided to go back home went there to heal. It started opening up all these wounds. So, I think this dream is literally the stamp of I was an anxious child and I was the peacemaker and I took care of everyone. So, maybe a change of perspective of who am I going to let take care of me? That would help.

We all connect to our family for a reason. We have a connection, a soul connection. And I think that even these dreams, as I was reading them about your family and you being like the leader, that's what I got the most out of it. You're leading the way somehow. It's usually because you're there to teach.

So, you're being a teacher, and even if you’re going through this process of therapy and all these things, you're awakening something in your mom or dad that they would've never imagined. We have these ideologies and beliefs that a mom should be something and that dad should be something else. But in reality, you'll only get what you need for your mission, for whoever you have to become. So a loving mom is going to be different for everyone.

And sometimes that lesson is needed. You meet that lesson and that teacher, and then you become the teacher and it switches and it has to do with healing that lineage. You're healing a huge part of your lineage just by going to therapy. It's crazy.

In every dream, I caught up on this pattern the most, "I do know better, but no one tells me I know better." So, you're waiting. And I feel like even with your healing process, you're still waiting for someone else to change. It’s not about them, it's about you.

Dream #3: Okay now what about sexual dreams about parents. I know they’re actually quite common because I've looked it up— and maybe about once or twice a year I have one. Yes, it's jarring.

Alexia: So, that is usually about sacrifice. That means I sacrifice my divine feminine to be accepted. And I feel like your divine feminine is the side that has been the most wounded.

That sounds about right. I think I'm very much in my masculine because I feel like I have to protect myself.

Alexia: Your rooms, your house is in your dreams. There you go. So, usually this sacrifice comes in sexually because as women, the biggest wound it's connected to the sacrifice of sexual interaction. And when it comes to dad, it's usually because he does not give you that internal power of divine feminine. Dad always gives the daughter that power of divine feminine. That power of “I can do this,” I can spend time being cute and still feel protected. You never felt protected because he didn't stand up for you. He saw you, but he didn't stand up emotionally for you. It was more, "Oh, your mom has it. Oh, your mom's over there. Oh, talk to your mom.” And for you, it was like, "But are you listening? Are you going to let me go to a party or is it all going to be mom?"

For sexual dreams about mom it’s usually about seeking power, approval, and domination. Usually a mom gives their child a lot of anxiety through childhood, so the son or daughter feels like they need to satisfy them. This is a very common dream for men, and they tend to get scared when it happens of course. This just means they truly respect their mother or are seeking their approval. There can be something deeper that it depends on the person and their story, but those are the main characteristics that generally share.

Dream #4: I was going to hook up with a guy–but ended up kissing a girl.

Alexia: You're seeking that divine feminine connection, so you see it. Every dream we interpret, we visualize in archetype. Maybe pay attention to how the woman acts and if you're more dominant than them, because you're trying to dominate this divine feminine. I don't see this as a sexuality thing— it was more about, "how do I conquer this?"

You're trying to conquer this divine feminine in a divine masculine way. And it's impossible. The only way you can actually do it is if you let yourself flow. And flowing, I think it's the most difficult thing for the human kind, because we're so structured to follow rules and do things a certain way. But I think that you don't notice when you're being feminine. You’re doing things last minute, it's feminine.

So, maybe start charting when you have those flowing moments, so you can recognize, "Oh, I'm being feminine." Don't connect with the physical. There's women out there and men who are very feminine because they're very open and vulnerable and they're not stubborn to certain things. They don’t think this has to be like this.

Yes I’ve been told this before by a few healers. But it's so interesting how these dreams are all essentially connected to one another.

Alexia: I think the most important thing about dream work, it's our self trying to either conquer or trying to understand or trying to heal. Sometimes we need to talk about something and it's so repetitive in the mind that the dream tries to release it. So, it's like a tool. Dreams are tools as well. It's a mechanism to process, to understand, to speak out, to do whatever we don't do when we're awake. So, maybe that would be a great focus and understanding those three bodies that make up for it.

Final dream: Lately I've had a few dreams about people not liking me. In one particular dream I went up to say hi to a girl at a party that I used to be close friends with and she ignored me. Then I went to one of her other friends to ask what was going on? Why was she mad at me? The other friend said something implying I was being selfish and told me I had a “mask” on.

Alexia: This shows you care about the impression and impact you leave on others. There is some sort of control of what people should stay with from your presence, it's totally normal, so there seems like there was something you felt was unsaid. Maybe you always felt like she was not completely honest in some way or another and not even a personal thing, just something you intuitively connected to. Masks or the word mask in a dream connects to doubt, questions and insecurity.

Do you have any advice for people who are also curious about the symbolism in their dreams? Is there any way for them to approach understanding their dreams?


First step: write down the emotions. That's the most important one.

Second step: take note of your body language. If something hurts usually, like your shoulder or you were clenching your hands, your jaw, it’s because every physical part of us has a connection to our emotions. So if it's the right shoulder, it's the divine masculine carrying everything and wanting control. Those are very important.

Third step: don’t pay so much attention to the person or people around, but more the scenario. "Why am I leading? Why am I controlling? Why am I blurting this out? Why was I screaming? Do I want to scream?" Don't focus so much on the details, but really what's happening. Why are you acting that way?

You can actually give yourself some sort of answer. Dreams are very important.

Alexia’s Most Recommended Reads

The Magdalen Manuscript by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion

Mary Magdalene is an Ascended Master. I connect a lot through my channeling work to her, and this book truly speaks about the power of being a spiritual woman. It explains the power of the Divine Feminine and Sensuality women carry and how to use it.

Many Lives, Masters by Brian L. Weiss

The connection to having many lifetimes, reincarnations, past lives is part of my work when I help someone go through their healing process. This book explains and helps you connect to these topics from a physician's point of view and how that transformed his life and practice which to me is very impactful when it is a topic you are learning about and exploring.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

I love this book when seeking balance and focus in life. We are Mind, Body, and Soul, which means we have to learn how to be our own team and balancing yourself with habits helps create new patterns.

The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey

This book reminds me of the human experience and how we are here with a purpose that motivates us to keep experiencing evolution despite any tough lessons that we are exposed to. It is also a very insightful book due to its connection to astrology. To me, it represents what we all are as humans, every zodiac sign depending on the phase/experience we are going through in our life.

Swimming Lessons by Lili Reinhart

Whenever I feel stuck, emotions or an overflow of them poetry is my therapy. This book's rawness and fearlessness expressed through a wave of emotions truly helps move you towards a release and even not feel alone through tough times.


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