
I can’t pinpoint exactly what sparked my love for astrology. 

I’d argue that it was just an innate interest because I loved it for as long as I can remember. When I was a magazine-obsessed teen, I would flip so quickly through my latest issue of YM or Seventeen just to get to the monthly horoscopes at the back. I can recall always being aware of the fact that I was a Pisces, and that meant I was a dreamer, emotional, and creative. My love for astrology never really went beyond horoscopes or Susan Miller’s monthly forecasts until 2015, when I met astrologer Rebecca Gordon

We met in an unlikely place: a fashion showroom. She was hired to give readings during a press preview—an often tedious event that involves flipping through rack after rack of clothing from the upcoming season. So just picture me crying during this 10-minute reading while other editors walked around perusing clothes. Rebecca was so spot-on in her interpretation of my birth chart that I knew I had to book a real session with her immediately. 

A few weeks later, I found myself in front of Rebecca again for an hour-long deep dive into my chart: Pisces Sun in the 11th house, Taurus rising, Capricorn Moon in the 10th house. There was a lot to unpack, but it was the first time I had really felt seen. So much of my inner world that felt intensely private to me was reflected back to me by this stranger. 

In many ways, it gave me a boost in confidence, quelled fears I had around my progress in my life—even going through some of the more difficult placements in my chart made me feel like I wasn’t alone. The timing is all in the birth chart.

So when I first started planning my newsletter, Rebecca was the first person I wanted to share with you all because she has been integral to my journey of self-discovery. 

Astrology has become insanely popular in the last few years, and I think it’s important to know that there is a lot of healing available beyond your favorite meme accounts. Below, Rebecca and I chat about the differences between horoscopes and birth charts, some of the more favorable and challenging aspects of my personal birth chart to know more about me— and we wrap it up with a breakdown of the general astrology forecast for 2021.

Read the edited interview below, or you can click here to listen to the full conversation.

Rebecca, how did you get into astrology?

Rebecca: When I was 14, I was babysitting at a neighbor’s house, and one night after the kids went to bed, I started perusing the books on the shelf. I saw a few astrology books, and at that point I had been reading about astronomy, so it seemed to immediately speak my language. Being a Virgo, I thought, I need to fact-check this. So, I took out every book on astrology from the library and read them all. The more I read about my sign and those around me, the more undeniable it became to me—astrology is actually real. So I asked my neighbor if she would teach me astrology—within a year of weekly lessons, I was doing everyone’s birth chart and continued to study with her throughout high school. After college, I attended an astrology conference where I met Susan Miller. When I got back to New York City we started working together. Four months later, I left my day job and decided to become a full-time astrologer. 

What is the purpose of a birth chart?

Rebecca: It’s a snapshot of the sky at the exact time you were born. It’s the DNA of your soul and a blueprint of what you came here to do on planet earth. The birth chart is based on specific alignments of the planets at the time of your birth and they all tell a story together. There will never be a chart again in the world like your own, because the sky will never be in that same location again. So each chart is completely unique. 

To me, looking at a birth chart is an x-ray into the soul’s intent. When you discover your birth chart, you bring the unconscious elements of self into consciousness. As we do that, life becomes more graceful when it is lived more consciously—it’s met with less pushback, less frustration, and less challenges. Ultimately, astrology is a study of self-awareness, and the birth chart is the key to self-awareness. The more you know, the more self-aware you are, then ultimately, the more you can live in harmony. 

And a birth chart is completely different from horoscopes. Can you explain how horoscopes work?

Rebecca: Yes, absolutely. You know horoscopes are pretty new, they just became popular in the last 50 years. Prior to that, for thousands of years on the planet it was only transit mapping and birth charts. When I sit down to write horoscopes, I put my lens through that part of the skythat’s ruled by a particular sign, say Aries, and we see where all the planets are and the houses they fall in from the viewpoint of Aries. Basically, the planets are in the same position, but different configurations depending on what sun sign you look through—so whatever sign I’m writing for, the planets fall in different areas of the sky, and those different areas in the sky have different meanings. 

Another thing we look at when we write horoscopes is aspects, soI look at the specific alignments of the planet for a particular month. I find out the most important thing, and what it means for that person's life and how it can help them. So, for example: if I’m seeing the aspect of Saturn square Mars, for Aries, this could mean they’re being asked to work a lot of overtime, and they’re working so much and their partner (symbolic of Mars) could be getting angry that they’re working so much. Though that could have a completely different meaning for another sign based on where that square falls.  Ultimately, I try to give that sign strategies for success how they can best use and optimize these hard aspects. You can think of a horoscope as a weather forecast; you want to prepare regardless of whether you might go outside or not. 

A horoscope does not at all compare to a birth chart, which is your personalized soundtrack. When you do read horoscopes, though, I do recommend always reading for your sun sign as well as your rising sign, and both together will give you a much clearer picture. 

For me, I’ve found having a birth chart reading to be incredibly healing. It was the first time I really felt affirmed. Hearing someone tell you about yourself, the parts of you that maybe you feel too scared to fully express, the parts that you keep hidden—it feels really powerful. When you first looked at my chart, you said, and I’ll never forget, that it was “very intense,” what gave you that indication?

Rebecca: You havea group of 3 planets: Sun, Jupiter, Venus, all in the most empathic sign of Pisces. It means you feel everything tenfold. You walk into a room, you tune into what people are feeling without trying. Empathy comes so naturally, even when you don’t want it to, you can feel things. That can get challenging with such a high degree of water in the chart. You’re a truly sensitized person. 

Yes, that’s why self-care has become so integral to how I function. I need to be able to journal and get all the thoughts out so they don’t weigh me down, or I need a bath to really recharge. What would you say is one of the most challenging positions in my chart?

Rebecca: People are so focused on the Sun sign, but generally, the Moon sign is the most ignored aspect of our culture. If we’re not aware of our Moon sign, we’re not aware of our emotional needs and we’re not gonna be happy. Knowing your Moon sign is key to understanding what your soul desires. So, I’d say your Moon sign is one of your most challenging positions. Your Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, so a lot of your hard lessons come through the emotional body because the Moon rules emotions. You might have felt out of place early in life, or you didn’t feel so secure and nurtured in the ways that your soul craved to be nurtured growing up. It also speaks to your needs today, your need to feel safe and grounded in the world. Because of this placement, you’ve become extremely emotionally aware. You’re aware when your needs are not met as well—so the question becomes, how can your needs be met?

As much as this is one of the more challenging Moon signs, it also creates self-aware people because they have to overcome challenges, and you become so introspective in the process.

Yeah, when I look back on myself as a kid who had so many feelings, and not knowing how to channel all of it and being so sensitive, it was a lot for my Taurus parents to handle. Now, let’s talk about love because I feel like that’s the #1 question astrologers probably get?

Rebecca: Yes, this is definitely something we talk about a lot in astrology. I would say, when it comes to love, we’re all on completely different timelines. The chart can really help us with understanding our difference if we are not in a relationship when all our peers are, maybe it's not our time. When we know our chart, we have a map for our personal timeline, instead of thinking we have to be like everyone else. When we look at your chart, you have Saturn, the planet that often denotes delays, in the sector of partnership known as the 7th House. This could say you wait ‘til later in life to find that true commitment. People with Saturn in the 7th House rarely marry early. When you finally do meet that person, there will be a sense of deep merging, commitment on every level. Just seeing Saturn there in itself can bring a sense of relief. On the other side of Saturn, when you are committed, you fully commit. 

Wherever Saturn is in our chart, we all might feel a sense of insecurity there. We worked harder where Saturn is; we put emotional and mental energy into dealing with that area of the chart. You also might become a master there. Though the tricky thing about Saturn is, no matter how hard we work, there’s often a part of us that still thinks we’re not good enough there or we still haven’t cracked the code. Yet, in reality, we show up with so much humility as an authority there.

Yeah, relationships have always felt difficult for me and definitely made me feel insecure in the past because I didn’t have traditional long-term relationships like we’re told we’re supposed to have. So, I can definitely say I’m right in line with Saturn in the 7th house. At the same time, I’m always the one my friends come to for relationship advice. I’ve spent a lot of time reading books about the psychology of love, how we connect and communicate with others.

But now, let’s talk about some of the other positions in my chart that are more favorable. Learning that Venus is my chart ruler has given me a lot of confidence.

Rebecca: You bring up a great topic there, the chart ruler. Yes, Venus is your chart ruler because you’re a Taurus rising. (*Note for readers: Your chart ruler is the planet that rules your rising sign.) Venus is your main planet of self-expression, and she is patron of the arts and all beauty. This is what drives you, this is what drives you to create and transcend the material through dance, art, and music. The desire to be creative is so strong within you. Venus is truly where you shine from.

I think even since I was a little kid. I always had such creative passions, I was a dancer, I loved arts and crafts, I just loved anything that felt creative.

Rebecca: That also segues into the idea of career, which is a very different part of the chart. What we’ve been talking about is self-expression, but for career, vocation, how the world sees us, we look at the very top of the chart. That’s the pinnacle of public life. This is where you have the Moon. So, at the exact moment you were born, if we looked straight up, we would’ve seen a bright shining moon in the sky. So, the Moon again rules the desire to care for and nurture others, the desire to make the world a better place, to help others feel better about themselves. These are all lunar kinds of things, and this is the archetype that presides over your career sector. 

Which is what I hope to do with this newsletter!

Rebecca: Exactly, and you are. With the moon at the top of the chart, you often see someone who is in the public eye, as it’s a luminary. It’s also the role of social responsibility, feeling that you are here to help others, and improve the life of others, caring for and supporting others is what you’re primarily doing with the moon at the very top. And I would imagine people feel quite safe and comforted in your presence. 

Well, I certainly hope that’s how people feel, and I really do feel like that’s my life’s purpose. I also think it’s really interesting to note that we were just talking about Capricorn in my 10th house, and earlier we talked about how my Moon in the sign of Capricorn is more challenging. It is interesting to see there are challenging and positive things to the same placement.

Rebecca: Exactly, we’re such complex creatures. I look at it as though you’re given these raw ingredients in your birth chart, and you decide what you're going to make of them. You decide how you're going to mix them together and what you do with them. Astrology can guide us in the right direction. But what you just said before was really the sense of reaffirmation and validation that astrology can give us. To me, that's the highest value of astrology. It can give us a sense of permission to fully own who we are. Those are the most rewarding moments that happen in session, when I’m there with someone who realizes, wait a minute, that is me, that’s the part of me that I never took ownership for and I’m ready to claim it now. That makes it all worth it.

Absolutely, I think it helps you to really own these parts of you, and even the more difficult parts that maybe you want to push aside. You come to realize there’s actually a strength in this somewhere, if you're willing to do the work, to break it down and understand it. That has been the biggest lesson for me.

Rebecca: You brought up such a good point too, about not being afraid of the challenges that we have. Those are, in fact, our gifts if we are courageous enough to peel the layers on them. The birth chart can help give you the confidence to get to the bottom of that challenge, to really unpack it, to love it, to love all parts of yourself. People in life are not known for the easy parts of their chart, they're known for the challenges, those are the parts you work on. As we talked about your Moon sign, maybe it hasn't been in the easiest position, but also, if we ask anybody in your circle and community, you are very much known for helping other people.

And now to wrap this up, because we just kicked off 2021 (bye 2020, we don't miss you!) what do the people have to look forward to?

Rebecca: Well, I am so happy to say 2021 will be a completely different year. It's the beginning of a new 200-year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn in air signs (that has not happened in 800 years). There will be massive changes this year, changes we’ve never seen in the whole history of our life here. Everyone will need to be agile.

The codes are changing when it comes to how we use energy, technology, how we communicate with others, even how we define money. If you were not happy with the way the world was operating, you’re in luck, because there will be more space for change.

On the other hand, some of the things we need to look out for is too much adherence to technologyand the glamorization of the hive mind. Now with these planets in Aquarius, we’re going to be remindedwe are all members of the same planet, and [that] will instill a global awareness. The shadow of all of these planets in Aquarius is the opposite of that, it’s the separation of us all in our individual bubbles with our individual technology and the illusion of connectivity. So we have to maintain what connection really is as well. Let’s keep each other close, let’s not lose touch with humanity as people are shown all these new forms of connection. Keep a critical mind, and always question reality. I’m very excited about the future, and these planets moving into Aquarius because what it's going to point to is the evolution of consciousness and that, to me, is probably the most promising!

Definitely sounds promising to me! Now, for those that really want to take their love for astrology to the next level, Rebecca also has an astrology school! Her next class, Astrology for Entrepreneurs will start on January 27th, click here to check it out.

If you want to take your astrology learnings into your own hands, here are my favorite books, sites, apps and accounts.

The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need

This was my first astrology book, and the title doesn’t lie. This is the best place to start if you’re a beginner.

You Were Born For This

I’ve long been a fan of Chani Nicholas, and her book is part memoir, part essential guide to learning how to read your own birth chart. I always feel like Chani is speaking directly to me when I read her writing. 

The Wiser Concise Guide to Practical Astrology

This book was recommended to me by Rebecca when I started taking her Beginner’s Astrology Class. I find myself referencing it a lot when I’m trying to read charts.

The Twelve Houses

There’s so many different parts to understanding astrology, when you’ve got the twelve zodiac signs down, this is your go-to for learning about all the houses. 

Astrology of the Moon

The moon has become a big interest to me over the last year, it plays a huge role in how we feel and express ourselves. This is a great guide for learning how to fulfill your emotional needs. 

Chiron: Healing the Body & Soul

Even though its symbol is pretty easy to miss on a natal chart, understanding Chiron is a major key to our wellbeing. I always keep this book by my bed. 

Astrology, Karma & Transformation

This came recommended to me by astrologer Alice Bell, and is helpful for those who want to understand and learn from the challenging aspects in our charts. 

Cafe Astrology

My favorite destination for a free birth chart download


The astrologer’s astrology site.


When Susan Miller’s late on her monthly forecast again I go to the twins.


This West-African astrologer’s horoscopes always serve the perfect dose of inspiration to start the day. There's a separate IG account for each zodiac sign.


Her daily hand-written recaps of the moon’s influence serve to inspire. 


A spiritual teacher who advises on connecting with ancestors and how to approach new-age rituals practically.


Astrology and tarot readings served with incredible wit and humor.

Moon Calendar app

The moon changes signs every 2-2.5 days and bares major influence on our days, I love using this app that provides astrological insight and self-care tips based on the lunar cycle. 

Time Passages app

For those who want to dig deeper, this app is my go-to, it gives you horoscopes based on every short-term and long-term aspect happening in your chart.

Chani Nicholas app

She’s the millennials’ favorite astrologer, and she just launched the best astrology app that comes complete with a breakdown of your birth chart, weekly horoscopes, a weekly audio forecast and meditations.

The Pattern app

Most people who have dared to download this app know that it’s accuracy is unparalleled—and that’s because despite its lack of zodiac sign mentions, it takes your birth chart aspects and frames them as “patterns.” If you get tripped up on astrology jargon, this app is for you.


